1: <?php
3: namespace Guzzle\Inflection;
5: /**
6: * Inflector interface used to convert the casing of words
7: */
8: interface InflectorInterface
9: {
10: /**
11: * Converts strings from camel case to snake case (e.g. CamelCase camel_case).
12: *
13: * @param string $word Word to convert to snake case
14: *
15: * @return string
16: */
17: public function snake($word);
19: /**
20: * Converts strings from snake_case to upper CamelCase
21: *
22: * @param string $word Value to convert into upper CamelCase
23: *
24: * @return string
25: */
26: public function camel($word);
27: }